January 2015 Newsletter

January 2015 Newsletter

Whats New At Prizm  With the holiday season behind us, we are back to work and very excited about everything that 2015 has to offer – but that doesn’t mean that 2014 ended without a few great staff events! The end of December marked the first ever Prizm Media “Secret...

November 2013 Newsletter

Happy November everyone! It is good to be back on this platform to share news and industry related facts with our business partners and friends. October has been a busy month, with increased sales in the diabetic space, as well as education and financial verticals....

September 2013 Newsletter

As the rain is upon us here in British Columbia, we cannot help but slow down our daily activities and begin to enjoy the fall weather, inside warm quarters with a cup of hot tea. We hope this letter finds you well and excited about the fast approaching holiday...

Diabetic Lead Generation – A Proactive Strategy

Diabetes is a disease that has reached epidemic proportions in North America, which can affect people of all ages. Its chronic nature requires constant monitoring through blood-sugar testing, insulin injections and blood-pressure checks. This has led to a high demand...